Monday, October 06, 2008

The Commercial Greenhouse, 3E

Finally, after more than two years of work, the third edition of The Commercial Greenhouse, 3E has been released. I was honored to have been asked to provide the updates of Dr. James Boodley's classic textbook on greenhouse production. I have included many new photographs and updated the material where relevant. If you liked the first two editions, the third is a must. Here is what the editors say:

The Commercial Greenhouse, third edition, is a complete reference for the modern commercial greenhouse grower, educator, and student. The book is a complete reference on greenhouse systems and technologies and the science of growing crops. The third edition is supplemented by new color photographs that provide modern images of greenhouse production, as well as updated information on pesticides, including updates on soil sterilants, and a new section on integrated pest management, that provides tangible guidelines for greenhouse operations. The clear and concise presentation of fundamental concepts in The Commercial Greenhouse, third edition makes this text a must for every greenhouse professional's shelf.

You can find it online at any of your favorite booksellers. Look for ISBN-13: 978-1-4180-3079-7 .

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